The territory of Radicondoli is largely used for agriculture. Our products are characterized by authenticity and craftsmanship; moreover, many derive from organic farming. Some producers sell directly, favoring a virtuous meeting between visitors and the territory, helping to make the supply chain more sustainable, and at the same time guaranteeing the quality of the product


Olio Extra Vergine d'Oliva

LOur hills produce excellent quality oil and, not surprisingly, Radicondoli is part of the National Association of Oil Cities. Almost every family has their own plot of land planted with olive trees and, between the end of October and the beginning of December, the olive harvest is a ritual and fun that involves entire families. For several years, the Oil Festival was held in Belforte on 8 December, with a local oil market exhibition. On the territory there is also a plant, of national importance, for the processing of pomace, a plant that represents the closure of the supply chain.
The farm produces its own oil so you can order oil from our company

Cinta Senese

This particular type of pig is typical of the area between the Montagnola Senese, Casole d’Elsa, Radicondoli and Sovicille. Its meats produce particularly fine cured meats, which represent an ancient tradition. We owe the conservation of the germplasm of this species to the State Forestry Corps of the local Palazzo Command, which in fact, for some years, risked disappearing.


As far as wine production is concerned, in recent years some companies in our area have invested heavily both in the restructuring of the vineyards and in research and development to obtain good quality products.


Pastoralism, which had an ancient history linked to sharecropping, in the 1950s and 1960s was renewed thanks to Sardinian immigration, which enriched and renewed this tradition. Even today, sheep grow in our pastures which, reared in a traditional way and foraged with natural food, produce a milk from which various types of cheeses are obtained, from ricotta to aged pecorino. The cheeses produced on our territory are almost exclusively organic.

Dolci e biscotti

Cavallucci, cantucci with Vinsanto, shanks of dead and other biscuits are produced with ancient recipes jealously guarded and handed down from mother to daughter